
Jonathan Sierck

ORVIETO ACADEMY expert: Jonathan Sierck
Jonathan Sierck ORVIETO ACADEMY expert

Jonathan Sierck is founder and managing-director of the Inspired World GmbH and Leaders von Morgen.

Since the beginning of 2011, he has been giving seminars and keynote speeches for companies, educational and research institutions on the following topics: effective & efficient working, effective learning & reading strategies, peak performance & targeted training, personality development (self-reflection, willpower & self-discipline, emotional balance, as well as self-management) and sovereign time management. Among its customers are Audi, Siemens, the German center for air and space travel, the CSU, Bethmann Bank, State Street Bank, ABN Amro, Pension Capital, JCI, EFS, LMU Entrepreneurship Centre, FH rose home, academy Berchtesgadener country and the European Business School (EBS) rank.

After 5 years of studying philosophy at the LMU (MA) and the Hochschule für Philosophie (BA), with a focus on business ethics, J. Sierck began his doctorate in autumn 2017 with Prof. Harald Lesch on the ethics of artificial intelligence.

Among others, he has received coaching and further training from Dr. John Demartini, Anthony Robbins and Brendon Burchard.

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Jonathan Sierck

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